Photo Album

"Gainsborough Donner Bella", and Linda O'Leary.

I love all equine sport, and love the magesty and strength required by the dressage horse! It is truely inspiring to see what years of training and dedication can produce!

Latest comments

10.05 | 00:45

i love you lots. emily
i showed people in my class your work! they think its amazing xx

12.11 | 10:42

Great pics - u must b so wealthy ;)

11.11 | 05:18

Yes absolutely, I crrently have a boarder collie ,kelpie cross, and love her to bits! Would love to do that for you!

11.11 | 05:05

excellent stuff :) do you do border-collie kelpie cross portraits, I have 1 painting that you did that I love need another of our current dog.